Competitive Advantage
* Harmonized and unionized development of branch offices together with the whole company, under the same roof of developing program. organizational culture and management philosophy.
* High quality staff
* Sustainability
* Combination of short-term plans and long-term strategies
* Up-to-date adjustment of management philosophy and development direction
* Establishment of staff motivation system to promote staff's creativity
* Networking oriented: determined by the characteristics of the industry and long term strategies of the company
Competitive Advantage
* Harmonized and unionized development of branch offices together with the whole company, under the same roof of developing program. organizational culture and management philosophy.
* High quality staff
* Sustainability
* Combination of short-term plans and long-term strategies
* Up-to-date adjustment of management philosophy and development direction
* Establishment of staff motivation system to promote staff's creativity
* Networking oriented: determined by the characteristics of the industry and long term strategies of the company
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