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伊比沙岛 海运
national and international certifications, based in our Shanghai international network management center, and we provide service throughout China's major ports in south-west, north-west and south-central China. Gradually through international cooperation we will have extended service to the five continents in the world, in every main port and city.家大中型船公司如ESL,ANL,ZIM EVERGREEN MSC COSCO和MISC等船公司均有良好的合作关系,并拥有优先订舱权和优惠的运价。公司虽年轻但已拥有一支专业化、高素质、丰富实际经验的员工队伍,精通国际航运业务及进出口通关各环节业务流程,公司配置了完善的计算机网络系统,以信息时代的效率为客户服务。
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